
How do you build a garden gym?

Building a garden gym follows a similar process to building any garden room. However, it’s important to make sure the floor is strong enough to withstand the use of heavy equipment. You will want to make sure your gym is large enough for all the equipment you plan to use, and you may even want to consider a separate shower or changing area for extra comfort. ""

Whats a good size for a garden gym?

Garden gyms can be any size you want, but they must be under 10m x 10m if you don’t want to apply for planning permission. However, they don’t have to be this large. In general, a garden gym of 3m x 3m is about the smallest you will probably want it to be. 5m x 4m is probably more common, but it depends on how you will use it and the size of equipment you want it to keep inside.

Do you need planning for a garden gym?

Like any type of garden building, a garden gym does not require planning permission as long as it meets specific requirements. Garden gyms are permitted developments, but your garden gym should be no larger than 10m x 10m, the eaves should be a maximum of 2.5 metres high, the overall height should be under 4 metres with a dual pitched roof or 3 metres with any other roof. If it is located within 2 metres of a property boundary, it should have a maximum height of 2.5 metres.

Can I build a gym in my garden?

Yes, this is a very popular use for a garden room. As long as the garden building is made to a high quality and is strong enough to be used for your workouts, it’s a great option. Many of our models, like The Dawn, can be used as garden gyms.

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