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How much value does a garden room add?

There is no set rule about how much value a garden room can add to your property, but there’s a good chance it can increase the value of your home by anything up to 15%. However, that’s only true if the garden room is of a high quality. A low-quality garden building could have the opposite effect.

Why is your Premier Range more affordable – what’s different to the other garden rooms you offer?

Our Premier Room range is designed and built by our same core team, so there’s no compromise on our state-of-the-art modern design, superior quality materials, exceptional craftmanship, great customer service and the love, care and attention to detail we put into all our builds.  By streamlining costs in areas that don’t impact on our premium design, material and build standards, we’re able to offer these luxury garden rooms at a more affordable price: Using set modular room sizes for the Premier Range leads to less wastage, and allows us to buy in larger cost-saving quantities We’re offering a more select

Will we need planning permission?

Our studios and garden structures were designed to meet government legislation. The total height of the room is within 2.5 metres allowing the studio office to be placed in your garden using up to no more than 50% of the total available area. A threshold of 30 square metres is in place before planning is required; this has been relaxed in some areas. It can be installed at the front of your home as long as it is not forward of the principal elevation on a fronting highway. If your building requires planning permission our planning team will be happy

My house is listed or on ‘Designated Land’ – can I still get a garden room?

If your home is a listed building, it has been rated of national importance in terms historic or architectural interest. Listed buildings feature on a register called the List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/ . The rules around listed buildings, mean that any garden building or outbuilding that is to be placed within the curtilage of a listed building will require planning permission. There are additional matters to consider if your home is located on designated land, eg. national parks, the Broads, World Heritage Sites, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and conservation areas. If your home is within a

Can I get a refund if planning is refused?

If there is a chance that your garden room will be refused, we will advise you not to proceed with the project. If planning is refused contrary to our advice, we will refund our planning costs but we will not refund the Local Authority application fee and any management costs accrued.

Do I need planning permission if I live in a conservation area?

If you live in a conservation area you would need to build behind the rear elevation of your house for the garden room to fall under permitted development. If your garden room falls within permitted development rights then you should not require planning permission.

Do I need planning permission for my garden room?

When it comes to installing a bespoke garden room, there are several legal and regulatory requirements to consider, and one of the most important is planning permission. Whether you need planning permission for your garden room depends on a variety of factors, including the size of the building, its location, and its intended use. At Into The Garden Room, our team of experts has extensive experience in navigating the planning permission process. We will work with you to assess your needs and help determine whether or not you need planning permission for your garden room. In general, planning permission is

I live in an area with an Article 4 directive, can I have a garden room?

Yes! You will require Planning Permission in order to have a garden room on your property, but we can help with this! If you live in an area that has an Article 4 direction, this means that your local planning authority has removed Permitted Development rights for your area. If your property does not have Permitted Development rights then we can help you with your planning application for your garden room project.

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